Elite Chess Bughouse Tournament
Thursday, March 29th, 2018
Description: Join us for a night of fun and excitement as Elite Chess puts on its annual bughouse event. The event will consist of 5 rounds, with each round consisting of 2 games. Therefore, all teams are guaranteed at least 10 games. Everyone from beginners to experts are welcome. You do not need to have a team to register. Just sign up and we will get you a partner at the tournament.
Open Section - 1st Place Team - $100, 2nd Place Team - $70.
K-8 Section - Trophies to 1st place team, medals to 2nd place team.
Prize to the team with the best name.
Where: Naperville Campus of Northern Illinois University: 1120 E Diehl Rd #150, Naperville, IL.
Rounds: Check in is from 5:30 - 6:00 pm. Round 1 at 6:00 pm sharp, rest ASAP. The event will end at approximately 8:30pm.
Registration: Players can register as a team, or as an individual and we will find you a partner. Tournament entry fee is $20 per player if done online by 3/28/18. Entry fee increased by $5 if registration done at the door. All payments should be made at the door. Make checks payable to the "Elite Chess".
Contact Jeff DiOrio at elitechess@gmail.com with any questions.